Donic Robo Pong 2055


DONIC strongly and proudly recommend this smart trainer for your every requirement. Digital control allows precise control over speed, table placement and rotation. In normal mode, the Robo-Pong 2055 offers simple and intuitive control of the ball’s speed, spin and launch frequency. During a training process with Robo-Pong 2055, you can use 64 different exercises. The work menu is similar to a mobile phone menu and is extremely intuitive and available in 6 different languages, but without Bulgarian. Robo-Pong 2055 is the ideal tennis partner for all levels of table tennis proficiency. The competitor can train endurance and footwork, improve his timing and security in his shots. The developing athlete can solidify all important strokes and progress at greater speed. And beginners and amateurs can learn to control the ball as well as experience immense pleasure playing with this robot. Digital control box: It is equipped with 64 exercises that can be programmed for any playing style. You can choose ball speed, ball launch interval and table placement. Robot Head: It can shoot up to 170 balls per minute with a top speed of up to 120 km/h. Balls can come at you topspin, underspin or straight. The head has 21 positions and can fire at 30 different speeds. The ball collection system is quick and easy to put on and take off. It collects the balls and takes them back to the robot, thus allowing you to practice longer sets. The tennis robot comes without tennis balls. 

Item number: 22126410

Price: (1154) 1120 €

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